CFP Where is the Star? (Celebrity Studies)
From Martin Shingler Where is the Star?: Special Issue of Celebrity Studies Journal (eds. Martin Shingler and Lindsay Sternberg) The Celebrity Studies Journal is planning a special issue on film stars and stardom, co-edited by Martin Shingler and Lindsay Steenberg. This will explore the current state of celebrity studies and celebrity media culture by focussing specifically on the work of film stars within this arena. Given accessible platforms such as Instagram and Twitter permitting new forms of celebrity and notoriety, to what extent do film stars remain integral to public perceptions...
Read MoreFilm Stardom in Southeast Asia
Film Stardom in Southeast Asia Workshop Monash University Malaysia, 24 & 25 November 2016 CALL FOR PAPERS All across Southeast Asia film stars have attained an important place in popular culture, appearing in magazines and newspapers, on billboards and cinema marquees, at public events and premieres, and now on the internet and social media. While some are from cinemas from outside the region, such as Hollywood or Hindi cinema, Southeast Asian cinemas have also built their own distinctive star systems, which have produced a host of successful stars. These stars often possess the general...
Read MoreCFP Indian Popular Culture Area
CFP Indian Popular Culture Area 2016 Midwest Popular Culture Association/Midwest American Culture Association Conference Hilton Rosemont/Chicago O’Hare from Thursday-Sunday, October 6-9 Submission Deadline: April 30, 2016 Proposals will be accepted from any area relating to Indian Popular culture Potential topics could include, but are not limited to: Star Studies: What makes the Star Culture of India different than other countries? Indian popular culture among the Diaspora: How has it spread worldwide and why? Textual Analysis of a Particular Film: What is it that makes a film like...
Read MoreBook Release: Shah Rukh Khan and Global Bollywood (OUP)
‘Shah Rukh Khan and Global Bollywood’ with OUP now available at: Table of Content Acknowledgements Message from Shah Rukh Khan Introduction STARDOM AND GLOBALIZED INDIA Unthinking SRK and Global Bollywood SRK, Cinema, and the Citizen: Perils of a Digital Superhero Innocent Abroad: SRK, Karan Johar, and the Indian Diasporic Romance The Don’s World: Designing the Milieu of Shah Rukh Khan Beyond Diasporic Boundaries: New Masculinities in Global Bollywood My Name Is Khan:...
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