

CMCS developed in response to needs that faculty, students and media professionals have expressed over the years: to bridge gaps between higher education and media using the lens of celebrity culture.

During her Doctoral research in Australia, CMCS founder and director Dr Samita Nandy saw both the academic and public demand for critical knowledge of celebrities which includes famous academics, public intellectuals and cultural critics. Soon after her Doctorate, the Routledge journal Celebrity Studies hosted its inaugural conference in Australia, where Dr Nandy chaired a panel and discussed the launch of CMCS with her PhD examiner Professor David P. Marshall and colleagues there. A number of celebrity studies scholars were inspired to make a significant difference in the media and public sphere.  CMCS took up the inspiration to apply theoretical perspectives and methodological concerns, and enable social change that academic teaching and research seek in celebrity culture.

Since its launch in 2012, CMCS has developed as the first international network examining celebrity culture and other forms of popular art through research and media commentaries. In a period of 2 years, CMCS grew with 15oo members that sought and demanded the same needs through conferences, publications, and media commentaries. Now CMCS serves over 3000 members across the world.

Today, CMCS has grown into one of the most trusted and valuable organizations that give a much-needed voice to both academic and media institutions.