Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) proudly brings Celebrity Chat, a ground-breaking video series on the CMCS YouTube channel based on scholarly discussions on celebrity culture.
Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) proudly brings Celebrity Chat, a ground-breaking video series on the CMCS YouTube channel based on scholarly discussions on celebrity culture.
Celebrity Chat was launched at the NYC conference “Bridging Gaps: Where is the Persona in Celebrity and Journalism?” in September 2015.
Videos will be uploaded as a reliable resource for scholars, students, and journalists seeking academic analysis of celebrity culture. This includes themes of persona, branding, scandal, advertising, sexualisation, activism, authenticity, selfies, social media and much more! References to publications will be included on request.
Videos must provide an intellectual discussion between two scholars, a scholar and a fan or scholar and media expert.
Would you like to be featured on Celebrity Chat?
For selection criteria, please contact Dr. Jackie Raphael (Curtin University Lecturer and CMCS Advisory Board Member) and Dr. Samita Nandy (CMCS Director) at celeb.studies@gmail.com.