From Martin Shingler
Where is the Star?: Special Issue of Celebrity Studies Journal (eds. Martin Shingler and Lindsay Sternberg)
The Celebrity Studies Journal is planning a special issue on film stars and stardom, co-edited by Martin Shingler and Lindsay Steenberg. This will explore the current state of celebrity studies and celebrity media culture by focussing specifically on the work of film stars within this arena.
Given accessible platforms such as Instagram and Twitter permitting new forms of celebrity and notoriety, to what extent do film stars remain integral to public perceptions of fame across the globe?
With contemporary transnational media culture in mind, this special issue aims to take stock of the concept of film stardom in relation to celebrity by asking the basic question, ‘where is the star?’
Essays of either 3500-4000 or 7000-8000 are sought that examine how film stars function as celebrities in various parts of the world and transnationally. This includes some studies of individual stars. Other essays might usefully consider theoretical and methodological approaches to film stardom for understanding and investigating how film stars operate within the wider arena of contemporary global celebrity.
If this is of interest to you, please submit an abstract of 250 words and a brief biographic statement to by November 3rd 2017.
We will be in contact with prospective contributors in early December 2017.
Dr Martin Shingler
Senior Lecturer in Film & Radio, University of Sunderland Programme Leader for BA (Hons) Film & Media Author of Star Studies: A Critical Guide (2012) Co-editor of the BFI Film Stars series (see