Call for papers – Cultural Studies Journal
From Celia Lam Call for papers for inclusion in proposal to Cultural Studies Journal Deadline: 30 November, 2018 Email: In the now classic Homo Ludens, Huizinga situates ‘play’ as the foundation of culture – the point from which all human structures, ideas, and societies stem. Sutton-Smith’s The Ambiguity of Play posits an equally broad scope, with ‘play’ encompassing everything from the imaginary, the development of individual identity and passing on of traditions through rituals, power-plays in politics and war, fate and games of chance, and...
Read MoreCFP Moving Forward: Where is the Journalist in Social Media?
Centre for Ecological, Social, and Informatics Cognitive Research (ESI.CORE) Inaugural International Conference Moving Forward: Where is the Journalist in Social Media? SpringHill Suites Downtown Denver Metropolitan State University of Denver Denver, Colorado USA June 23-24, 2017 Call for Papers: In the current political climate, the constructions of celebrity leaders and popular forms of mediated truths, especially with the recent “fake” internet news, have raised questions about journalism. Tabloid and other forms of popular journalism use narrative devices of gossip,...
Read MoreCFP “Life-Writing and Celebrity”
“Life-Writing and Celebrity: Exploring Intersections” Proposals are invited for the “Life-Writing and Celebrity” panel at the Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE) 22-26 Aug 2016, Galway, Ireland Co-convenors: Sandra Mayer, University of Vienna, Austria, Julia Lajta-Novak, King’s College London, UK, In recent years, life-writing and celebrity studies have separately evolved into vibrant and innovative areas of Humanities research, but the connections between these fields have, so far, been...
Read MoreA Genre Approach to Celebrity Politics (2015)
A Genre Approach to Celebrity Politics (2015) By Nahuel Ribke (Tel Aviv University). Published by Palgrave MacMillan The study of celebrities has been the focus of several works from two main fields: Cultural Studies and Political Communication. But up until now, such works have produced only fragmented views of links between celebrity culture, the entertainment industries, and the political systems, which this book attempts to transcend. Analyzing the movement of celebrities to politics, this book contributes to a thorough understanding of the links between media industries and the...
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