Film Stardom in Southeast Asia
Film Stardom in Southeast Asia Workshop Monash University Malaysia, 24 & 25 November 2016 CALL FOR PAPERS All across Southeast Asia film stars have attained an important place in popular culture, appearing in magazines and newspapers, on billboards and cinema marquees, at public events and premieres, and now on the internet and social media. While some are from cinemas from outside the region, such as Hollywood or Hindi cinema, Southeast Asian cinemas have also built their own distinctive star systems, which have produced a host of successful stars. These stars often possess the general...
Read MoreCFP: Stardom and Fandom, Southwest PCA/ACA Conference
Join us for the 37th Annual Southwest Popular Culture and American Culture Association Conference, February 10 – 13, 2016 at the beautiful Hyatt Regency in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Area Chair for Stardom and Fandom invites paper or panel proposals on any aspect of stardom or fandom. Proposal submission deadline: November 1, 2015. The list of ideas below is limited, so if you have an idea that is not listed, please suggest the new topic. We are an interdisciplinary area and encourage submissions from multiple perspectives and disciplines. Topics might include: Studies of individual...
Read MoreSCMS CFP: Celebrity and Illness
SCMS 2016 CFP Sick Celebrity: Making Sense of Fame and Illness Celebrities may become iconic of specific illnesses (such as HIV/Aids or cancer) or causes of death (such as suicide or car crash). They may also become the face of illness through cinematic portrayals. Significant research has interrogated celebrity death, fan mourning, and collective memory. This panel seeks to advance research on fame, celebrity, death, and fandom by specifically addressing celebrity physical and mental illness. We welcome proposals on topics such as: – – Cinematic representations of...
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