America’s First Conference on Celebrity Culture Presents Exclusive Readings
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE America’s First Conference on Celebrity Culture Presents Exclusive Readings New York City, NY (August 10, 2015) – The Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) reception will feature exclusive book readings by Samita Nandy, and Josh Nathan. This is an exclusive event for attendees of the international media conference Bridging Gaps: Where is the Persona in Celebrity and Journalism? Samita Nandy is the director of the Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) and writes as a cultural critic on fame. She earned her PhD in media and celebrity culture from...
Read MoreCentre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) Spring 2015 Issue
Spring 2015 edition of Celebrity Culture and Social Inquiry published Highlights include: Full program of inaugural CMCS international conference at Ryerson University on 27-28, May 2015. Access full program here Registration of CMCS workshop “Scholars as Critics” on May 28, 2015. Deadline April 17, 2015. Select Option C here Coverage of CMCS board members in Huffington Post, Toronto Star, Chatelaine, and Flare Bibliographies research guide Celebrity and Public Persona (2015) by P. David Marshall...
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