CFP: Textual Reception – Exploring Audiences’ Writing Practices from a Gender Perspective
CFP: Textual Reception – Exploring Audiences’ Writing Practices from a Gender Perspective (special issue of Genre en séries / Gender in Series) Deadline for submissions: November 30, 2016 Full name / name of organization: Labex ICCA / IRCAV (Université Paris 3) Contact email: CFP: Textual Reception – Exploring Audiences’ Writing Practices from a Gender Perspective (special issue of Genre en séries / Gender in Series) Whether through fan mail sent to celebrities and the popular press, critical pieces, derivative...
Read MorePanel: Victorian Texts in Contemporary Fandoms
Victorian Texts in Contemporary Fandoms (Due date: Sep, 25, 2014). From Amanda Blake In a practice Henry Jenkins famously refers to as “textual poaching,” fans appropriate characters and narratives from canonical texts in order to adapt and rewrite them in novel ways, and for a variety of reasons: artistic, political, communal, financial, emotional, sexual, and other. Contemporary fandoms are vast in scope, multi-platformed, multimedia subcultures which operate via an economy of participation that has typically held itself apart from academic study, while simultaneously being scorned as...
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