Persona Studies – Inaugural Issue
From Kim Barbour
To gain a further sense of what constitutes persona studies, please see the recent special persona themed issue of M/C – Journal of Media and Culture:
Written paper submissions:
In the first instance, submit a 250-300 word abstract to, with ‘Full Paper’ in the subject line, by 8 December 2014. You will be notified to proceed to a full length paper within a week of abstract submission. For guidelines on the preparations of your full paper, see Author Guidelines:
Full papers should be between 5000-8000 words, including citations, and will be vetted by the editorial team prior to submission for blind peer-review. Acceptance for peer review does not guarantee inclusion in the inaugural issue of the journal, but the editorial team may work with authors to develop papers for later issues. The second issue will have a special themed section on health and persona, and we encourage authors interested in this area to submit abstracts for inclusion.
Key dates – Journal
Abstract submission deadline – 8 December 2014
Notification of acceptance – 15 December 2014
Full papers due for peer review – 13 February 2015
Final revised papers due – 13 March 2015
Persona Studies journal launch – 20 March 2015
Working Paper Symposium submissions:
In the first instance, submit a 250-300 word abstract to, with ‘Working Paper’ in the subject line by 8 December 2014. We will notify by 15 December 2014. Symposium participants must submit either a 10 minute audio-visual presentation OR a 2000-3000 word written paper by 28 January. This will be circulated to workshop participants and attendees.
The symposium is designed to allow ample discussion. Therefore, each presenter will have fifteen minutes to focus on their work. In this time, you will briefly introduce your project or paper in process before shifting to group discussion. Where possible, papers on similar or complimentary themes will be presented consecutively, and more general discussion will follow each themed section. You may attend in person or participate virtually, and your paper will also be considered for inclusion in the inaugural issue of the journal.
Key dates – Symposium
Abstract submission deadline – 8 December 2014
Notification of acceptance – 15 December 2014
Short paper / presentation due – 28 January 2015