From Inaugural Celebrity Studies Journal Conference & Claire Spence (Taylor & Francis Group)
Routledge is very proud to present the Media Focus collection, a series of carefully selected articles examining the impact of various elements of modern culture. Part one investigates the influence, power and reach of Celebrities.
In a world where Twitter, Instagram and gossip blogs instantly inform us of the whereabouts and what’s happenings of celebrities we look at the impact of Celebrity. The first element in our Media Focus collection will examine the various facets of celebrity culture.
Which celebrities have used their influence for humanitarian causes? How fleeting is celebrity? Which celebrities have capitalised on their fifteen minutes? Find the answers below.
- Celebrity Studies
- Anne Graefer
- Celebrity Studies
- David C. Giles
- Celebrity Studies
- Michael K. Goodman & Christine Barnes
- Celebrity Studies
- Valerie R. O’Regan
- Celebrity Studies
- Tim Edwards
- Celebrity Studies
- Hilde Van Den Bulck & Nathalie Claessens
- Celebrity Studies
- Kirsty Fairclough
- Celebrity Studies
- Pansy Duncan
- Culture, Theory and Critique
- Kasey Clawson Hudak
- Cultural Studies
- Frances Bonner
- Feminist Media Studies
- Lieve Gies
- Feminist Media Studies
- Jessalynn Marie Keller
- Feminist Media Studies
- Spring-Serenity Duvall
- Feminist Media Studies
- Aisha Durham
- Porn Studies
- Philip Hayward & Alison Rahn
- Chinese Journal of Communication
- Nainan Wen & Di Cui
- Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies
- Lilie Chouliaraki
- Review of Communication
- Michaela D. E. Meyer, Amy M. Fallah & Megan M. Wood
- Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research
- Koen Panis & Hilde Van Den Bulck
- Critical Studies in Media Communication
- Hilde Van den Bulck & Nathalie Claessens
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