Doctoral Survey – Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

Posted on Sep 25, 2014

In her Doctoral research, Stefania Marghitu is exploring Kim Kardashian’s brand, and how users engage with her widely successful mobile app game, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood.  She will also be discussing how the game was a popular example of what Jesper Juul calls a “casual game,” a type of gaming that is dominated by women users.

Currently Stefania is conducting a short survey on user participation and engagement in the Kim Kardashian mobile app game.
For the successful completion of Stefania’s critical study, please visit the following link and participate in a short survey on Kim Kardashian:
Stefania Marghitu is a PhD student in Critical Studies at the University of Southern California’s Department of Cinematic Arts.  For more information on her research, please feel free to contact her at 

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