Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) Awards
We are super excited for the 2016 Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) #BGCS15 awards for best celebrity studies conference paper & Celebrity Chat video! We cannot wait to announce the award winners next month. Our special thanks to conference chairs Dr. Jackie Raphael and Celia Lam. Thanks to Nick Wright http://www.pcilasercuttingengraving.com.au/index.htm for designing the awards. Photo credit: Eddie Reserva Full conference program is available for download as a PDF file here. Conference Committee Members: Dr Jackie Raphael & Dr Celia Lam (Chairs), Dr Samita Nandy...
Read MoreDavid Bowie, Landscapes & Heritage
“New ways ever free”: David Bowie, Landscapes & Heritage Symposium, December 2, 2016 Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès, France Station to Station. In the wake of Bowie’s passing, images and voices have multiplied to evoke the diverse landscapes of his work, from the musical styles to the characters he imagined to the many facets of a career that has seen Bowie take on several roles, sometimes simultaneously, leading him from music to drama (The Elephant Man) to cinema (The Man who Fell to Earth, Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, The Hunger, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me) and the...
Read MoreCFP Mysterious Ways: U2 and Religion
Call for Chapters — Mysterious Ways: U2 and Religion — Bloomsbury Press Call for Chapters Mysterious Ways: U2 and Religion Bloomsbury Studies in Religion and Popular Music Edited by Scott Calhoun I invite proposals for chapters in an edited collection with an interdisciplinary focus on U2 and religion for Bloomsbury’s series on Religion and Popular Music. U2’s art, inclusive of its songs, videos, live concerts, concert films, graphic design, live staging and production design, performance visuals, material artifacts, and activism, has long sought to investigate and present the...
Read MoreCFP Bridging Gaps: Where is the Persona in Celebrity and Journalism? (NYC 2015)
Bridging Gaps: Where is the Persona in Celebrity and Journalism? The Terrace Club 25 W. 51st St. (Off Fifth Ave.) New York, NY September 2-3, 2015 In tabloid journalism and in social media, gossip, rumors and scandals about celebrities develop intimacy among fans. Such gossip and rumour mongering serves a purpose in society: to build a common moral ground on the backs of celebrity lives. However what about the celebrities themselves whose emotional lives are consumed by us? The production, circulation and reception of these celebrities then negate the democratic role of journalism in...
Read MoreMedia Focus: Celebrity
From Inaugural Celebrity Studies Journal Conference & Claire Spence (Taylor & Francis Group) Routledge is very proud to present the Media Focus collection, a series of carefully selected articles examining the impact of various elements of modern culture. Part one investigates the influence, power and reach of Celebrities. In a world where Twitter, Instagram and gossip blogs instantly inform us of the whereabouts and what’s happenings of celebrities we look at the impact of Celebrity. The first element in our Media Focus collection will examine the various facets of celebrity...
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